VII FDI Online Pre-Moot 2024
On October 12 and 13, 2024, the Russian Institute of Modern Arbitration organized the online rounds of the VII FDI Online Pre-Moot. This pre-moot’s goal is to help teams prepare for the FDI Moot, one of the most prestigious investment arbitration competitions in the world.
A total of 21 teams from various countries participated in the rounds, including Argentina, Brazil, the Philippines, Greece, Indonesia, Iran, China, Colombia, Malaysia, Mongolia, Mexico, Russia, and Singapore. Following the first day, eight teams advanced to the quarterfinals.
The teams Kandinsky and Raphael delivered the best performances and faced each other in the competition's final. The final round was judged by:
The winner of the VII FDI Online Pre-Moot was the team from Singapore Management University Law School. Both finalist teams were ranked among the top 20 at the global rounds in Berlin.
We extend our gratitude to all arbitrators and volunteers for their invaluable contributions to the successful organization of the online rounds!