
Summer Academy 2024

From July 29 to August 2, 2024, the Russian Institute of Modern Arbitration held a Summer Academy. Over the five years of its existence, the project has gained high popularity among professionals who want to start their careers in arbitration. This year, the Organizing Committee received a record number of applications from potential listeners: the competition was 5 people for 1 place! Out of more than 90 applications, only 20 participants had the opportunity to immerse themselves in the wonderful world of arbitration by becoming students of the Academy.

The program traditionally covers a huge range of topics and issues: from writing an arbitration clause to the enforcement of an arbitral award and the specifics of international asset tracing. Leading experts in the field of arbitration shared their experience with the students of the Academy. On the first day of the Academy, Alexey Yadykin, Vladimir Kostsov, and Stanislav Dobshevich gave interesting lectures, talking about alternative forms of dispute resolution and introducing the basics of arbitration to the audience. Dmitry Kaysin and Sabina Ganieva, the Executive Administrator of the Russian Arbitration Center, revealed the secrets of the arbitration panel formation process. Anna Arkhipova, Vladimir Talanov, Denis Almakaev, Olesya Petrol, Stepan Guzey, and Dmitry Davydenko allowed the students of the Academy to acquire fundamental knowledge for conducting cases in the arbitration, and thanks to Denis Kastryulin, Ivan Teselkin, and Andrei Amelin, the participants were able to learn key aspects related to the arbitral award.

This year, as part of the course, classes were organized in a new interactive format of workshops, which received a great response from the students of the Academy. So, Anna Timofeeva shared practical negotiation techniques with the participants, and at the master classes from Anna Avdulova and Boris Bashilov, students were able to gain research skills, as well as get acquainted with the current direction of "Legal Design".

The Russian Institute of Modern Arbitration expresses its gratitude to the partners for their valuable contribution to the Academy, namely: the general partner of the Academy, the Forward Legal Law Office, and the partners of the course, the law firms Petrol Chilikov, Nektorov, Saveliev & partners and VK Partners. The media partners of the Academy were the Soft Law Community and Russian Women in Arbitration.


  • Anna Avdulova

    Associate (International Dispute Resolution) at Ivanyan and Partners

  • Denis Almakaev

    LEVEL Legal Services, Partner, Head of International Litigation Practice

  • Andrei Amelin

    Managing Director, Head of the Department for the Organization of Bankruptcies of Citizens and Information Support at Sberbank PJSC.

  • Anna Arkhipova

    Associate Professor at S.S. Alexeyev Private Law Research Center , Deputy Head of Maritime Arbitration Commission at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry

  • Boris Bashilov

    Senior Partner at Bashilov, Noskov, and Partners, Attorney, Associate Professor at the RUDN Law Institute, Editor-in-Chief of the "Corporate Lawyer" magazine, Ph.D.

  • Stepan Guzey

    Partner at Lidings law firm Dispute Resolution Practice, Head of bankruptcy practice

  • Dr. Dmitry Davydenko

    Associate professor at the MGIMO University and Higher School of Economics. Director and a co-editor of the CIS Arbitration Forum.

  • Stanislav Dobshevich

    Partner at «Kucher, Kuleshov, Maximenko, & Partners» (KKMP), Head of Dispute Resolution, member of the Moscow Bar Association

  • Dmitry Kaysin

    Partner, Head of Dispute Resolution Practice at Better Chance

  • Denis Kastryulin

    Arbitrator, visiting lecturer at the Department of Civil Law of the Rostov State Transport University (RSTU), project manager of the Department of Judicial and Administrative Practice at MTS PJSC, Ph.D. in Law, LL.M.

  • Vladimir Kostsov

    Counsel at Sirota & Partners, Professor at the HSE University School of International Law

  • Olesya Petrol

    Partner, Petrol Chilikov

  • Vladimir Talanov

    Partner at EPAM Law Office (International Trade and Customs, International Arbitration and Litigation), professor at National Research University “Higher School of Economics” (HSE) and St. Petersburg State University (SPbU), member of the St. Petersburg Bar Association

  • Ivan Teselkin

    Partner at Nikolskaya Consulting law firm

  • Anna Timofeeva

    Professional business mediator, negotiator, and lawyer

  • Alexey Yadykin

    Partner, Head of Dispute Resolution Practice at Stonebridge Legal