RAC and Denuo Joint Conference “Dispute Resolution in M&A Transactions in Arbitration”

On June 27, 2024 Russian Arbitration Center and Denuo held their joint conference “Dispute Resolution in M&A Transactions in Arbitration” in Saint Petersburg.

During the first session “New Developments in Structuring M&A Transactions” Mikhail Demin (VEB RF), Leonid Kropotov (Denuo), Olga Safronova (Sberbank), and Andrey Golovanev (HSE) discussed current trends in structuring M&A transactions, ways to mitigate sanction risks during negotiations, the preparation of documentation, the tools used for structuring deals, and the conduct of claims.

In the second session “Prospects for Disputes in M&A Transactions” Yulia Mullina (RAC), Mikhail Galperin (Inter RAO), Irina Vasina (Magnit), and Andrey Panov (Denuo) discussed the development trends of international arbitration in Russia, ways to resolve disputes arising from M&A transactions, and the types of disputes most commonly referred to arbitration. The speakers highlighted what needs to be considered when concluding an arbitration agreement and choosing applicable law, revealing the specifics of selecting arbitrators in such disputes.

In conclusion, the speakers of both sessions shared recommendations for practicing lawyers.

We would like to thank all the speakers of the event and the attendees for their active participation in the discussion, which enhanced its interactivity!